Monday, January 10, 2011

More Goals!!!!!

Over the past few days I've been thinking about things from my daily life that I'd really like to improve.

Nutrition - One that I'm diligently improving would be my nutrition.  I sometimes think I'm way too interested in how different foods/vitamins/supplements affect the body positively and negatively.  I'm consistently finding a way to plan out my meals and add in certain parts of my nutrition that I am missing, while keeping at a minor calorie deficit.
Sleep - Sleep is unbelievably hard for me to regulate for myself, and I feel that it's the #1 important thing for me on my list of self-improvement.  I grew up with a curfew when I was fairly young, though I was sneaky and always found ways to break it and play my little handheld games or read a book when I was supposed to be sleeping.  Even today I'll have worked a 3pm - 11pm shift, have to be back in to work at 5AM, and STILL stay up until 1-2AM.
Studies have shown that 1 month of doing something consistently can make the activity a routine and habit for you, where you will MAKE TIME to do the activity.  My plan is to take advantage of that information, and apply it to consistently waking up at the same time each day.  Since my work schedule tends to push my evenings to 11PM-Midnight area, I'll be looking to be up most mornings by 8:30-9AM, with a good breakfast and after some settle time, a workout to follow.

On the note of sleep/waking up, I recently purchased a new alarm clock.  Specifically I picked up the Philips wake-up light because I got sick of my annoying and frustrating *BEEP BEEP* clock.  I was skeptical about whether or not I'd actually get up to the light or not, but it definitely did its job correctly.  I woke up on time, and I made sure to turn off my *BEEP BEEP* clock before it went off and tempted me to crush it into bits.  The wake-up light is a non-violent way to wake up and the snooze button does not turn the light off, only the sound choice you made to wake up to, (whether it be radio, bird chirps, or some relaxing drumming - more expensive versions have more choices I believe) and is set to a permanent 9 minute snooze timer.  If you got the correct amount of rest for the night you will feel ready to get up and move on with the day, otherwise you'll still feel groggy, but less annoyed.

Time to start working that sleep schedule =)

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