Thursday, December 9, 2010

Yoga X and being a Coach

Last night I decided to make up the Yoga X I missed on Monday, and will move onto Kenpo or core tonight.  I'm beginning to appreciate Yoga a little more each time I do it.  I get very relaxed, even through all the pain you get with the first 50 minutes of the workout.
I'm  improving a lot on flexibility, and my form in a lot of the poses is getting much better and less shaky.
I've got one more round of Yoga X for the week, and I'm actually looking forward to it now, just hoping time doesn't become an issue for the day I need to do it.

Hopefully by Monday I'll be picking up my new set of Dumbbells, which are an adjustable set of Powerblocks.  I'm picking up a 5-50lb set, and eventually if I need to I will buy the upgrade pack to bring it up to 100lbs.

On another note, I've managed to get a friend to start doing P90X.  If he keeps with it, which I think he will, he seems to be going pretty strong already 3 days in, he'll kind of be my poster-boy of a guy who doesn't need to lose a lot of weight, but is looking to get a healthier and toned body.  Best part about it, is once his girlfriend finishes up this semester of school, she's gonna start up, though she hasn't decided if she'll do the whole thing (I think a little motivation from a few weeks of results will keep her going).  She seemed pretty excited, and like him, she really is only looking to firm up and just generally have a healthier better functioning body - which exercise and proper nutrition will do for you.

I'm a coach and sell products but I'm not trying to sell a product, but first and foremost I'm trying to focus people on their health, letting them sample what the product can do for their health, then they can make a decision if they like the results.
I work in a deli which serves hot food, as well as over-processed meats, I see a ton of people daily that I would like to help, and I reach out to as many as I can, so even if my business doesn't grow overnight, maybe some day I'll get a phone call or a message from someone I reached out to, when the timing is right for them to realize it's time for them to live healthier, and or help others.

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