Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Recovery Week

Yesterday was the beginning of my recovery week, and my scheduled workout was to be Yoga...  Didn't do it.

Today's scheduled workout was Core Synergistics, did it, and felt good about it, and because of that I'm back on the bandwagon, will likely do my best to pick up Yoga again on the day which would normally be "rest" day.

The recovery week always catches me off guard in terms of how I feel/how my body reacts.  I'll do a short overview on what the recovery week is and does.
Recovery week is the 4th week of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the program.  During that week the workouts are these:  Yoga, Core Synergistics, Kenpo, X Stretch, Core Synergistics, Yoga, Stretch/rest.  None of these workouts will make you sore the following day.  Yoga is a lot of balance and stretching and cardiovascular work, Core Synergistics is cardiovascular and "core" (Muscles supporting spine) work, Kenpo is just cardio.

The idea of recovery week is to let your body completely heal, but still burn some calories and lightly work all of the muscles to help them force more repairing cells to the tissue (They get lazy when the muscle isn't used much).  During my regular workout weeks, my bodyweight fluctuates almost 10lbs regularily, but when recovery week comes around, my weight flat out drops and stays there.  It's weird, and amazing what the body does when it's at it's optimal rate of restoration/rest, it almost feels like the changes are happening overnight steadily throughout the whole recovery week.

A lot of people wont notice changes or have any changes after those first 3 weeks of hard dedicated workouts, be discouraged and quit before that recovery week hits, and when it does it is amazing.

For me, this recovery week has dropped me down to 185 when hydrated in the morning hours (always check myself in the morning and at night, fluctuation is usually only a couple of pounds).  Even without having a goal of losing a lot of weight, I'm still dropping (and I need to, I've got this skinfat that hangs off my belly and back that needs to go away).

The TRUE double-doubles starts up on Monday, because I'll be incorporating 3 days of cardio X into the schedule, on top of my double resistance days - but i haven't decided if I should throw the cardio X day son my yoga/kenpo/plyo days or not.  That'll be my next experiment.

Keep motivated everyone =)

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